The Air Filter
An engine air filter is important to get quality airflow into the combustion chamber. The filter traps dust, pollen, and other debris before these contaminants can reach the combustion chamber and cause damage to the engine components that it is trying to protect. Air filters come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The one that is right for your vehicle can be found in your vehicle owner’s manual. Air filters are one of several consumable components found in your vehicle’s engine. Consumable means that the component must be replaced regularly so that your vehicle’s engine will have optimal performance capabilities.
How Do I Tell If My Air Filter Is Dirty?
You should have your vehicle regularly inspected to ensure that the engine parts are all working well. That includes having your air filter inspected to ensure that it is clean. Some vehicles, like larger trucks, have an air filter indicator light to tell the operator that the air filter needs to be replaced, but a visual inspection can easily identify a dirty air filter. Holding the filter up to a bright source of light to see if at least half of the light gets through is an easy test of your filter’s cleanliness. Your owner’s manual provides the best guidance as to air filter replacement intervals. Consult the manual first because the manufacturer will have put in regular maintenance schedules for all of your vehicle’s consumable parts.
Why Does the Air Filter Matter?
If your air filter is not clean, the quality of air that enters the combustion chamber is poor, so the combustion reaction is severely impaired. In the case of a severely clogged filter, it can stop air flow completely and without air your spark plugs can’t spark to facilitate your engine’s internal combustion process. A dirty air filter can restrict acceleration efficiency, cause engine backfires, prevent your spark plugs from doing their job, cause your engine to get louder with odd noises, and even cause you to feel strange vibrations. All these things happen because the air that gets into the internal combustion system is poor, and engine efficiency is severely affected.